eBooks Help

Buying an eBook is simple and quick, but if this is your first eBook purchase and you are unsure what is involved, let us help you through the process.

There are four steps:

  1. Install the software you need
  2. Buy and download an eBook from Speedyhen
  3. Put your eBook into your eBook Library
  4. Transfer your eBook to your eReader device/tablet/android

The guides on the right should provide additional help if you need it.


Step 1: Install the software you need

Preparing your computer to store eBooks

To read one of our thousands of great eBooks on your eReader, you need to install some software on your computer.

  • eBook Library (only applicable for the Sony Reader)
  • Adobe Digital Editions (free to download online)
Installing Adobe Digital Editions
  1. Install Adobe Digital Editions from this page or any eBook page on the Speedyhen website.
  2. Activate Digital Editions when prompted - you will need to be online.
  3. You will need an Adobe ID for this step, so register with Adobe if you haven't already (it's free and only takes a minute).
  4. Authorise your computer to protect your digital content. You can authorise up to six computers with the same Adobe ID.
  5. Accept the user agreement.
Why activate and authorise?

Your eBooks are assigned to your Adobe ID, not your computer so:

  • You can transfer eBooks onto up to six (authorised) machines
  • Your eBooks are protected if your computer should break

For more information, visit Digital Editions help

Installing eBook Library

Use the CD-ROM that came with your Sony Reader to install eBook Library onto your computer.

Simply follow the installation instructions and your eBook Library should now be on your desktop in: Start/ All Programs/ Reader/ eBook Library


Step 2: Buy and download an eBook from Speedyhen

Choose from thousands of great titles

  1. Buy your eBook at Speedyhen.
  2. We will send you an order confirmation email.
  3. A link to download your eBook will then appear in your eBook Library that is part of your profle.
  4. Your eBook will be saved in on your computer in: My documents/ My Digital Editions
  5. If you're asked to open or save the eBook, choose open. If you chose save, click the icon 'ebx' to open your eBook.
  6. You have three attempts to download your eBook - if you need any more attempts or further help, please email us with details of the problem.

Step 3: Put your eBook into your eBook Library

It's as easy as putting songs on your MP3 player…

  1. Open your eBook Library (in Start/ All Programs/ Reader/ eBook Library)
  2. Select File/ Import Files.
  3. Go to My Documents/ My Digital Editions.
  4. Double click to see all your eBooks and double click on the eBook you want.
  5. Your eBook should now be in your eBook Library. Check by going to your eBook Library and clicking 'status'.

Step 4: Transfer your eBook to your eReader

Get ready to read your eBook

  • Connect your eReader to your computer with the USB cable.
  • Check the eReader symbol is showing in the list on the left-hand side of your eBook Library.
  • If it is not, check the USB cable is connected properly and the Reader is turned on.
  • Left click the title of the eBook you want to transfer and drag it into your eBook Library and drop it onto the eReader symbol.

Your eReader will see that an eBook has been added to the library and automatically transfered it. Enjoy.

You might also find these additional links helpful

Adobe Digital Editions FAQs: http://www.adobe.com/products/digitaleditions/faq/

Sony eBook Readers and related FAQs: http://www.sony.co.uk/hub/reader-ebook/block/2

If you do experience any problems purchasing or downloading your eBook, please contact us.


eBook FAQ's

For a comprehensive list of FAQ's click here

Can I buy eBooks for my Kindle?

No, sorry Kindle is a 'closed' device so only content bought from Amazon can be viewed on a Kindle.

Do Speedyhen eBooks work on all eReaders?

As there are new devices being produced weekly, it's impossible to guarantee compatibility of all makes and models of eReader. However, the majority of eReaders will work with our eBooks. Here is a list of the major ones:

Acer, Android Tablets, Apple, BeBook. Bookeen, DICRA SPA, Elonex, iRex, Iriver, Kobo, KreativeDNA, Netlogic, Nook. PocketBook, Samsung, Sony, Velocity Micro

What is DRM?

DRM stands for Digital Rights Management, a way for publishers to limit eBooks to one account and to prevent illegal sharing of files. There are several types of DRM, our eBooks are available in epub format which uses Adobe's DRM wrapping so files need to be read on devices which are supported by Adobe Digital Editions.

Can I share, copy or print my eBooks?

No, DRM protects the content and restricts how it can be viewed, you cannot share, copy or print eBooks. You can transfer eBooks onto up to 3 (authorised) machines. Your eBooks are protected should your computer breakdown.

Can I return an eBook?

Once you have received the link we can't retract it so even if you don't download the file we can't issue a refund. Please make sure that before you submit your order you know that you are ordering an eBook and this is the format you want.

What happens if I am unable to download my eBook

Firstly, please make sure that you have the latest version of Adobe Digital Editions installed. If this is the case, please email us with your order details and a screen print/shot of any error messages generated, and let us know where in the process the error occured. Please also let us know what browser you use and where you are attempting to download your eBook, if you're trying to do this from work or at an Institution there could be firewall restrictions, you should check with your internal IT support to confirm that you should be able to download a file of this type. Your query will be passed on to our technical team who will contact you to resolve the problem.

Happy reading!

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